Paper products

What could be more convenient and affordable for quick, temporary notes than sticky note paper. It is used by business people, schoolchildren, students, busy mothers and creative people alike.

Copier paper appeared in the early 19th century and served as a consumable for the first typewriters designed for the blind. Documents created with such machines have survived to this day.

Labels with an A4 adhesive layer allow you to print neat and presentable stickers on a regular office printer. Stickers are most commonly used for:

Large format and pocket-sized, serious and creative, classic and bright, for quick notes or detailed detail, spring-bound or hard-bound, with or without ruling - the Axent official website offers n
The category of paper products includes paper assistants of various types: blocks of note paper, bookmarks, notebooks.
If you want to buy an original and practical notebook or notebook, you need to choose the optimal format, type of paper - white or cream, with or without ruling, texture and design of the cover, type of binding, and pay attention to details. For example, A5 notebooks with a hard cover, a bookmark, and a checkered ruler are perfect for an undated diary. You'll want to entrust your plans, thoughts, and ideas to Axent notebooks and notebooks because they are well-made, have comfortable writing paper, and a variety of colours and designs allow you to choose exactly what suits your style and mood.
The official Axent website also offers versatile Delta by Axent notebooks in the "economy series" - for daily notes, recording important information, sketching diagrams, graphs, and record keeping.